
Reflections on authenticity in teaching and learning


A collection of stuff I come across or that I am reading at the moment that is of interest.  In chronological order by discovery.

  • Benesch, S. Critical English for Academic Purposes: Theory, Politics, and Practice (Lawrence Erlbaum, 2001)
  • Thornbury, S. “Dogme: nothing if not critical” in TeachingEnglish, British Council June 2009.
  • Phillips, D. & Schweisfurth, M. Comparative and International Education: An Introduction to Theory, Method, and Practice (Continuum, 2010).
  • Schweisfurth, M. “Learner-centred education in developing country contexts: From solution to problem?” International Journal fof Educational Development 31, pp.425-432. 2011.
  • Kumaravadivelu, B. Globalization and Language Education (YUP, 2007)
  • Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Penguin, 1996)
  • Shomoossi, N. and Ketabi, S. “A Critical look at the Concept of Authenticity” in Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 4(1) 149-155.
  • Clemente, A. “On Thornbury’s ‘Unbearable Lightness'” in ELTJ 55(4) October 2001.
  • Robin Turner, “Giving Feedback online: pros and cons” in MET 20(4), 30-32.
  • Fielder, C. “Positive Feedback in the English language classroom” in MET 20(4), 63-66.
  • Cook-Sather, A. and Alter, Z. “What is and What can be: How a liminal position can change learning and teaching in higher education” in Anthropology & Education Quarterly 42(1) 37-53.
  • Gonzalez, N. “The End/s of Anthropology and Education: 2009 CAE Presidential Address” in A&EQ 41(2) 121-125.
  • Copland, F. “Legitimate Talk in Feedback Conferences” in App.Ling. 33(1) 1-20.
  • Mufwene, S. Review of Lee, N. et al, The Interactional instinct: the evolution and acquisition of language inApp. Ling.33(1)102-7.
  • Holme, R. “Cognitive Linguistics and the Second Language Classroom” in TESOL Quartely 46(1) 6-29.

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